更新 主攻短篇合集by小狼 傲娇精灵王子受爱上不知所云魔奴攻
个人看评:???????? 指标:更新|1v1|短篇集|脑洞|西幻架空|双性| 原文简介: 【作品编号:100628】? 连载中 投票??? 收藏到书柜 (286) 原创 / 男男 / 其他 / 高H / 正剧 / 弱攻强受 / 俊帅受 1.王子爱上奴隶。 暗夜国的精灵王子血统尊贵,性格高傲,从来不曾将任何人放在眼里。 谁知,魔族为了羞辱他,竟然逼着一个奴隶cao他。 一开始。王子气的发抖。“我一定会杀了你!” 十分钟后…… 魔族:“……王子殿下这是什么表情,难道是被一个最低贱的奴隶的jiba插的快要高潮了吗?” ……说好是酷刑的呢?? - 一个月后。 “你听说了吗?王子竟然从魔族带回了一个奴隶??” “不要盯着看……王子要是吃醋了,小心你的脑袋!” HE1v1双性受。弱攻强受。直男奴隶攻vs傲娇王子受。 2.人鱼攻的重写 其他故事待定,有灵感就写。 【我的完结文:穿书后我成了总攻 abo】 短概:看原文简介即可 评价:好喜欢的设定,攻控狂喜,受傲娇强势大美人,荡漾得很??,攻有点木讷妥妥温厚老实人。 才一丢丢,但是我迫不及待了!刚刚太太更新了,我美美看完被甜到了??。 纯无脑小甜饼rou文,不太纠结细节和逻辑,单单爽爽的可以试试。 章节: * 故事一 精灵王子 * 1 王子被绑着,当众被舔批到高潮 * 2022-02-23? 3718字? 免费? 1112次 * 2 王子破处 被艹的浑身发软,说不出话来 * 2022-02-24? 2317字? 免费? 970次 * 3 被cao了怎么都不反抗呢 * 2022-02-25? 4449字? 免费? 786次 * 4 就那么舒服吗 * 2022-02-26? 2445字? 免费? 671次 * 5 这个奴隶一定是喜欢我! 彩蛋:指jianrouxue * 2022-02-28? 3346字? 免费? 459次 * 6 跟我回去! * 2022-03-01? 3217字? 免费? 50次 呵呵 凑不出字 给我等着! Strawberries cherries and an angel,s kiss in spring, My summer wine is really made from all these things, I walked in town on silver spurs that jio, A song that I had only sang to just a few, She saw my silver spurs and said lets pass some time, And I will give to you summer wine, Ohh-oh-oh summer wine, Strawberries cherries and an angel,s kiss in spring, My summer wine is really made from all these things, Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time, And I will give to you summer wine, Ohhh-oh summer wine, My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak, I tried to get up but I couldn,t find my feet, She reassured me with an unfamiliar line, And then she gave to me more summer wine, Mmm-mm summer wine, Strawberries cherries and an angel,s kiss in spring, My summer wine is really made from all these things, Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time, And I will give to you summer wine, Mmm-mm summer wine, When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes, My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size, She took my silver spurs a dolr and a dime, A me cravin, for more summer wine, Ohh-oh-oh summer wine, Strawberries cherries and an angel,s kiss in spring, My summer wine is really made from all these things, Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time, And I will give to you summer wine, Mmm-mm summer wine.